
Sis. Alice Zoh & Daughter

Jan 31, 2013

Alice Zoh is a 45 year old woman and a mother of four. She built her life in Kumba for about 15 years with her husband, after which he married two other women. He also began persecuting her because of her repentance. She gave her life to Christ about 15 years ago and has undergone continuous persecution from her husband. Recently, he stopped giving her money for food like he does to the other wives. He also stopped taking care of her children. Sister Alice moved to Buea about three months ago to live with and help her oldest daughter, Tekwe Shammah who is a High School student. Sister Alice and Shammah fellowship at TACC Molyko in Buea.

Sister Alice’s daughter Tekwe Shammah is 22 and an upper sixth student who studies commerce at Salvation Bilingual High School. Shammah was rejected by her dad about two years ago because she told her dad to resolve polygamous issues in the house so that he’ll not be held accountable. Her dad has refused responsibility over her despite a couple of attempts on her part to reconcile. She was sharing a room with some friends and they took turns to pay for rents. Her dad refused to pay when it was her turn. She moved to Douala during holiday to work as a Call Box Operator (Mobile Phone Booth) to earn money for rents. This frustration led her to accept money from a customer who impregnated her subsequently. Shammah has a little baby girl in hand who is about 8 months old. Shammah’s dad takes care of the other wives and sends all their children to school, but does nothing to Sister Alice and her children. She and her mom believe it is because they are born again. At the moment, she’s been driven from school for owing 71, 500 FCFA for fees.

Both Sister Alice and her daughter Shammah were soliciting at a restaurant to wash dishes for little compensations to survive on. Sister Alice and her daughter are interested in doing joint business, selling rubber shoes, flip flops, buckets, and other plastic articles; buying from Douala, and retailing in and around Buea. They will need 250, 000 FCFA as capital.

video interview of both of them by Bro. Ashu Mfaw (our Liaiason Officer) can be followed on this link (in pidgin).

In January 2013, TACC-Friends Int’l through Brother Ashu Mfaw in Buea, sent $515 (250, 000 FCFA) to Sister Alice Zoh and her daughter Shammah Tekwe to start their joint business.

Updates after a month report that Shammah is back in school. Sister Alice and Shammah are experiencing renewed hope and joy in the Lord Jesus Christ, evidenced by their dedication to church activities. Businesswise, they have a shed in the market already, and they sell shoes worth as much as 75% of their capital each week; showing signs of the possibility to employ helpers in the near future. We give glory to God for turning their lives around.

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