
Elder Etuck (December 2022)

Dec 31, 2022

The case of Elder Etuck of TACC Ntamulung, NW Region was presented to the Charity committee in 2018. Elder Etuk is a 68yr old Taylor with 7 children.

Elder Etuk was taken to Shisong hospital on the 25th of April 2018 and was diagnosed with a growth in the left ventricle which required a heart surgery, his heart was fast failing him and the inserted tubes to drain fluids from his lungs pending surgery.

Surgery’s estimated cost was 3.8 million FCFA and family and friends had raised 800.000 FCFA and 3 million CFA was still pending. TACC-Friends liaison officers presented the case to the charity committee and the case was supported with $2000 towards the surgery. Elder Etuk received surgery in Cameroon and to the glory of God, and made full recovery.

Elder Etuk lived few more years post-surgery and later died in December of 2022.

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