Sister Miranda Enow is married to Bro Cletus Tabot Enow. She is a communicant and choir member of the Apostolic Church Makata Assembly in Muyuka. She had a little provision store while her husband was a farmer, supplying plantains. About three years ago their provision store was burnt down. About that same time, her husband suffered from two kidney failures. Sis. Miranda began assisting her older sister in the business of selling assorted bags used for fertilizers and shopping. It was through this that they were able to sustain their family and meet some of their basic needs.
On July 3, 2015, she had an accident and sustained a fracture on her right ankle. She was in the hospital for some time following a surgical procedure, and was only discharged on September 14, 2015 with a hospital bill of 300,000 FCFA ($545). Her husband also needed two sessions of dialysis a week.
Sis Miranda needed help to start her own business so she could better assist herself and her family.
– Store rents for 6 months- 50 000FCFA ($90)
– 1 bail of 100 kg (fertilizer) bags- 350 000FCFA ($636)
– 1 bail of 50kg bags-150 000FCFA ($272)
– Assorted bags- 50 000FCFA ($90)
– Assorted plastic (shopping) bags- 50 000FCFA ($90)
Total: 650 000 FCFA ($1181)
TACC-Friends assisted our sister with this money and she started the business in June 2016 after she had fully recovered from the fractured leg. Her husband was also assisted with 1,488,952FCFA ($2707) for his health needs.
Presented jointly by:
Elders Ashu TambeNkongho and Ebune Philip