
Sister Hermine Mosongo

Jun 30, 2013

Sister Hermine Mosongo 45, is the first child of a widow and she hails from Mbanga, Mungo Division in the Littoral Region of CMR. She’s been born again for 7 years, living in Koke village in Buea & fellowshipping with TACC Molyko. She lived together with a man for 26 years with whom they had 8 children. He began coming to church when Sis Hermine became born gain, but stopped a few years later. He did not pay the dowry for Sis. Hermine. He inherited Sis. Hermine’s widowedmother’s retirement benefits and consumed it. He also declared the death of Sis. Hermine’s father and took away the benefits.

When he stopped coming to church, he began persecuting Sis. Hermine of belonging to a sect,and for having extra marital affair with her pastor. He also limited her church participation. Sis. Hermine’s persecution was aggravated when she participated in a 40 day fast organized by the church. Following that, she was battered by this man who also hit her head against the cupboard, left her unconscious and fled to Nigeria. He’s returned to CMR and lives somewhere in Douala. He does nothing for Sis. Hermine or the children. Sis. Hermine has also decided not to have anything with him anymore, but to struggle on her own to raise the children.

Sis. Hermine had cancer of the cervix recently, and underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH). Money for the procedure was borrowed. With no capital, she’s been trying hard to do petit businesses to meet up with her payments. Currently (June 2013), she works in a restaurant in Molyko where she earns 40, 000 FCFA (less than $100) per month. She’s only left with about 8,000 FCFA ($16) after removing her tithe, 2- bedroom house rent, electricity and transportation (i.e., after removing her expenses). Brethren in the church sometimes give her little help. Having worked in a restaurant, Sis Hermine feels confident in owning hers. She will need 350, 000 FCFA as capital.

Her 8 children:

– The first a girl lives in Douala with a man she’s not married to.

– The second is a male who fellowships with her in TACC Molyko and lives in Mile 16, Bolifamba. He picks and sells scrap metal. He was recently attacked by thieves and left handicapped (limping) in the process. He desires to open a store selling motor parts.

– The third child a female is currently seeking refuge with her mom in Koke village. She stayed with one man in Banga Bakundu who did her knock door. She left after having three children because of torments.

– The fourth a male lives in Mile 16. He discontinued his commercial education for financial reasons, after failing the national exam. Currently, he assists his mom in the restaurant business and also assists his older brother in picking and selling scrap metal.

– The fifth child a female lives with her mom in Koke village. She failed the GCE O Level two years ago, did not go to school last year due to finances, and has registered for the exam again this year.

– The sixth child a female ( has written the GCE O/L this academic year), the seventh child a male (in Form Two), and the 8th child a male (also in Form Two) are all being sponsored by one brother in the church.

Sister Hermine will have help from her children and even more help during holidays to make this a family business. Our liaison for this case is Bro. Ashu Mfaw in Buea. An interview with Sis Hermine (Pidgin).

On July 13 2013, TACC-Friends association disbursed $705.16 (350,000 FCFA) to Bro. Ashu in Buea for Sister Hermine’s business. Please follow a working session including advises with Sister Hermine, Bro. Ashu and Pastor Edward Ngah of TACC Molyko.

August 2013 update:

Please watch the setup of Sis. Hermine’s restaurant business.

October 2013 update:

Sis. Hermine’s restaurant is picking up, though with some difficulties. The help she used to receive from brethren in the church for her children have stopped. However, she says her life is much improved upon, and her faith in the Lord is strengthened significantly. Please watch the following interview from Bro. Ashu, our LO in charge.

Sister Hermine still had three months of unpaid rents, needed a refrigerator for her restaurant and could not meet the needs of her children (shool fees, textbooks and GCE registration) singlehandedly with the young nature of her business. TACC-Friends assisted her further with $750.44 (360, 000 FCFA). Here’s a video following the second assistance sent to her.

January 23, 2014 Updates.

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