Sis  Pauline Chika Kalu (November 2018)

Nov 30, 2018

Sis Pauline Chika Kalu is a 42 year old lady married to Rev Sunday Kalu Erem and with four children. On the 25th of November 2018, an armored car dove by their neighborhood and shot at their house as the crisis in the North West and South West ravaged. One of the gunshots fell on the roof of their house bursting off the roof and scattering her leg, destroying the bones. She also got wounds on her hand and back. By the time the case reached TACC-Friends, they had spent 950 000 FRS at the hospital with the church she attended having supported her with 350,000frs of this amount. They still needed 450,000frs for monthly appointments till the wounds were completely healed but they were not able to raise up this money. These appointments were to go on for about a year. TACC-Friends USA stepped in and donated the 450 000frs to completely take care of the debt this unfortunate circumstance had put them in.

Along with this money, TACC-Friends also donated 250 000frs to the National Council of The Apostolic Church Cameroon to help pastors that had been displaced or affected by the current upheavals in the North and South West Region of Cameroon that began in 2016.

Other Beneficiaries

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Deacon Mbah Roland (February 2024)

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