
Enow Susan Achere

Dec 31, 2016

Sister Enow Susan Achere is from Kembong village in Manyu Division. She lives in Muyuka, fellowships with the Apostolic Church Makata assembly and is a communicant. She is the last of 9 siblings, and is the only born again Christian. In 2003, she got married to Mr. Etta Peter Enow and soon after her wedding, she began to develop a left leg ulcer and she was healed miraculously during one of their conventions but the illness reoccurred some years later.

In November 2006 to January 2007, skin grafting was performed on her in a hospital in Manyemen. In December 2006, her husband deserted her, reasons being that she emitted a pungent purulent stench from her sores which was unbearable for him to cope. He went to Nchang village in Manyu Division where it is alleged he is now married to another woman who happens to be a member of his wife’s family. Other people equally deserted her because of her odor. In February 2007, another skin grafting was performed following failure of the first one. She was hospitalized for 6 months but nothing really changed resulting in a left leg amputation in 2008 due to gangrene.

During this period she received assistance from brethren and the senior pastor of the Muyuka main assembly Rev David Okposin. In addition to making plastic caps which she sold during conventions, she was being blessed financially when she ministered through song in other Assemblies and districts. However, this was not enough to sustain herself and her son leading her to resort to begging for food and money at Kumba main market and Government Offices. Finally the brethren in Makata assembly contributed money and established a small business in front of her house but everything she gathered was spent on her health.

All these put together and other expenditures made towards her by her family amounted to the tune of about ten million FCFA ($18,181). Her condition as a handicap qualifies her not to pay school fees for her son, therefore he is exempted from paying school fees.

When our LO learned of the case, she requested 500,000 FCFA ($909) to startup a business. TACC-Friends assisted her with this sum from the Charity Fund.     

The following links have some information regarding the case:

Her story

Her current situation and needs

Presented by:

Eld. Ashu Tambe

L.O. Buea, South West Region

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